Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Ad Council: Saving for the future

This Ad's are intended for Tweens (11 to 12 year old kids) that are beginning to understand the value of a dollar. I just remember having a saving account when I was this age and how proud in having a sense of responsibility. This Ad encourage kids to start saving money and use it towards there education like playing an instrument in this case. Here is Pence ready to save money for the future.

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

TDI : T-shirt for Argentina

Copyright for Cartoon Network Latin America '09

CNLA: Summer Internship 09

Hi gang, just showing some of the stuff that I have work on Cartoon Network this summer. Copyright for Cartoon Network, Boomerang, Tooncast and design by Mario Segarra except the Funny Month logo which was a collaboration with "the Yedi designer" Damian Aliberti. This posters and displays are distribute to different countries in Latin America like Argentina, Mexico, Peru, and others. Enjoy the rest of the summer, peace!

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Iron Man - Movie Poster

My submission for the 8th annual student key awards competition.

Thursday, April 9, 2009

DADA Tribute


by Mario Segarra

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Beautiful Losers

This movie poster was featured for the Cinefest Film Theater in Georgia State University.

Friday, February 13, 2009

A Clockwork Orange - Kinetic Typography

This is the final version of my Kinetic Typography from the movie A Clockwork Orange. The scene is in 2:05:41 of the movie and it last around a minute, the conversation takes place in the hospital were Alex and the nurse discuss about some slides. Hope you guys enjoy it, this is the first of many AE projects that will come to live this semester.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009


Blade Magazine logo and cover redesign

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Wine Bottle - Marqués de Cáceres

After many sketches and many hours doodling I still couldn't figure out what could make my bottle stand out. So I went back to the source, the beautiful Spain for inspiration. Going through many artist, it just came to mind the Pablo Picasso's bull from "Guernica" I just couldn't stop thinking of this. It was perfect, Picasso was born in Málaga and is often call "the most influencial artist in the 20th century". This is my way to pay tribute to a wonderful artist and his legacy.